I was born 1966 in Hamburg. After finishing highschool I moved to Berlin to start my studies to get a master degree in in electronics at the Technical University of Berlin. During holidays I worked as a student at the company SIEMENS.
After 4 years I heard a lecture on light measuring technique in the year 1988 with Professor Juergen Krochmann. In the context of the lecture he presented also the at that time still quite young company PRC Krochmann to his listeners, in which I took up on it an activity of many years briefly.
Even if thereby the duration of my studies was prolongiated to almost 15 years, I could gain there many experiences, which form a substantial base of my current activity.
I essentially specialized during the activity with PRC in the development from software to the control of measuring instruments, as well as the luminaire data adminstration and evaluation. Favourable way was necessary it to understand the function mode of these measuring instruments very exactly in theory and practice so that I could develop a good knowledge base within the range of light and radiation measuring.
Also the installation of the measuring systems locally at customers abroad belonged to my field of application; thereby many valuable experiences resulted regarding the handling of these measuring systems, which often influenced also the development of control software.
In the context of my activity I developed considerably a lighting planning program for the operating system DOS, which was a glance at its time.
Later I contributed then a part to the advancement of this software under Windows, whereby it should not remain unmentioned that this software was distinguished in the year 1996 with the innovation price for software in Berlin Brandenburg.
After conclusion of the study 1999 I took part at the company DIAL in load-separate in the development of the light planning tool DIALux, however family and climatic conditions withdrew me again to Berlin.
A concatenation of lucky circumstances led then to the establishment of our company Czibula & Grundmann.
Here I draw responsible for the range of the equipment conception and associated software development in particular. Among other things I am specialized in customized software systems for the manipulation and administration of photometric data, an easy to use generation of printed media, electronic catalogs and not last least Datenplugins data plugins for lighting design software.
My thanks are entitled to all customers, coworkers and friends (not least natural my understanding family), who supported me by confidence, knowledge transfer, placing of orders and support to give me the possibility to enter the way I took during the last 20 years.